Charity Bowl IV

Posted By: Robert Carroll (Member) Past Events,

2016 Charity Bowl IV

Thank you for helping us reach our goal during the Charity Bowl IV Challenge! 100% of all profits will go to support the Weekend Hunger backpack program! Thank you to everyone who participated and our wonderful sponsors!

We are proud to announce that together we raised $5000, which is enough to supply 833 backpacks of food to area needy children through the Catholic Charities "Weekend Hunger Backpack" program on Tuesday evening! It was great to see everyone come out and support this fun event and great cause! We ended up with over 170 people in attendance and SOLD-OUT every lane! What an awesome job by the members and volunteers of the NCFAA! 

We couldn't do it without you! We're stronger together!


Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Photo Recap