Important GRU Info for Summer/Turn!
Date postedJune 26, 2019 is a one stop shop for students to start, stop and move services. It has tools and information to make your tenants move easier.
Here are some important things to remember:
- ToolsforTenants allows users to compare many of the apartment complexes in the Gainesville area based on average electricity and natural gas usage. Properties that have utilities included in the rent or do not have individually metered rental units are not currently available for comparison.
- International residents must visit the GRU Administration Building to request service. They must bring their passport and any supporting documentation. Saturday and Same-day Connections
- Saturday and same-day connections are available on a limited basis for an additional fee. To request this service, you must call Customer Service at 352-334-3434 during regular business hours.
o Same-day connections: Additional $40
o Saturday connections: Additional $50
- Service Not Working? Service connections are typically completed by 6 p.m. on the requested turn-on date, but we will work late into the evening to process the extra work orders during this busy time. If any of your services are not working by 5 p.m. that day, please give us a call at 352-334-3434 to check your status.