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The NCFAA Fantasy Football League VI
Are you ready for some football?
Thursday, September 5, 2024
at 8:00 PM (EDT)
to Monday, December 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM (EST)
Event Details
$125 prize to the league winner
$0 entry fee
Trophy Awarded!
LIVE DRAFT (9-4-24 at 6:45 pm)
or email
Previous Fantasy Bowl Champions
V. "Injury Reserve" (Drake Montes)
IV - "12 Angry Men"
III - "Just Joshin' Around" (Cassandra Swartz)
II - "You Better Prater God" (Katie Carroll)
I - Scrantonicity 2 (Arin Valladares)
*Please only register if you plan to participate the entire season, which will require you to set-up your lineup a minimum of once per week. If you fail to manage your lineup weekly, it will disrupt the league for all of the other teams.