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Live Webinar: “The What Behind the Why” - FREE for Members

Presenter: Dr. Debbie Phillips

Thursday, April 9, 2020
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)

Online - Link will be sent after registration

Event Details

Topic: “The What Behind the Why”

In these unprecedented times, we are shifting gears faster than we ever thought possible and finding “new gears” to use in response to the new normal. Social distancing doesn’t mean social disengagement. This webinar specifically addresses how to keep “net-weaving” (my word for networking) while working remotely. Healthy relationships are powerful and quite frankly can be a source of encouragement and a great equalizer in times of crisis. Whether you are a real estate owner,operator, supplier or resident, you are invited to join us for a meaningful conversation that accomplishes the following:

1). How to increase meaningful engagement remotely.

2). Techniques for staying focused and standing out from the “noise".

3). Shifting gears and making the transition into “virtual reality.”

Introducing our speaker:

Debbie Phillips, Ph.D.,CPM

About Dr. Debbie….

Debbie Phillips is a real estate professional with over 30 years of experience with diverse property types.As an entrepreneur, Debbie has a multi-faceted career including developing world class leadershipprograms and talent management strategies. Debbie serves as an industry expert, adjunct professor,keynote speaker and nationally acclaimed author. She was named one of Globe Street’s 2019 Women ofInfluence in Real Estate and Certified Property Manager (CPM) of the Year by the Institute of Real EstateManagement (IREM) in 2015. The National Apartment Association Education Institute recognizedDebbie as the 2013 Outstanding Educator.Debbie also holds a Master of Science degree in Housing & Consumer Economics, with an emphasis inSenior Housing, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Consumer Journalism, both from the University ofGeorgia. Debbie completed her Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, where her research focused on ResidentSatisfaction and Employee Engagement as she developed an Employee Engagement Model for theMultifamily Housing Industry. Her passion is developing high potential talent and connecting them toopportunities in the real estate industry.Join us and be inspired!

Login information for the webinar will be sent out once you register!

For More Information:

Robert Carroll (Member)
Robert Carroll (Member)
CNPR Association Executive NCFAA (352)333-0333