Need Help? Alachua County Rental Assistance Program Begins Today
What's Happening?
Today, Alachua County is launching their Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to assist renter households that have been impacted by COVID-19. Under this program, eligible households may receive up to $15,000 for unpaid rent, utility bills, or home internet services. For additional information on this program, please see below.
Eligibility Criteria for Tenants
1. Must be an Alachua County resident who has rent obligations for and is residing in the property that is in arrears (late rent payments or at risk for nonpayment) as their primary residence.
2. One or more adults in the household as listed on the lease must have qualified for unemployment benefits on or after March 13, 2020 OR experienced a reduction in household income on or after March 13, 2020, due to the coronavirus outbreak.
3. One or more adults in the household as listed on the lease must be able to demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability such as a past due rent or utility notice, court issued eviction notice, unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, or documented inability to pay prospective rent.
Eligibility Criteria for Landlords
1. Must provide a valid W-9 for payment to the owner of the rental property or property management company (property management companies requesting direct payment must provide a signed agreement with owner).
2. Must confirm that any rental arrears submitted for consideration are for Alachua County properties only.
3. Must complete and submit the Landlord/Property Manager Statement form.
4. Must read and agree to full Terms & Conditions that are outlined prior to submission of the application. Please review thoroughly prior to submitting application.
Required Documents
1. Responsible for paying rent for a residential dwelling unit in Alachua County.
a. Current signed lease.
2. Qualifies for unemployment.
a. Screen shots from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity showing eligibility for unemployment.
b. Eligibility determination letter from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.
c. Bank statements or checks showing receipt of unemployment payments.
3. Reduction in household income due to COVID-19. We only need this document for the one or more individuals that are attempting to qualify.
a. 2019 and 2020 tax returns.
b. Pay stubs prior to and after being economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
c. Bank statements for self-employed individuals prior to and after being economically impacted by the pandemic.
4. Has a household income at or below 80 percent (50% for high priority households) of the area median.
a. 2020 tax returns for ALL household members, not just the applicant.
b. Recent pay stubs for ALL household members, not just the applicant.
How to Apply
For additional information or to apply, please see here. If you need help with your application, please contact